Campaign Planning Process


Prior to active engagement in a fundraising campaign, DSG recommends the implementation of a planning process to properly design and market the case for a capital campaign. During this phase DSG would market and evaluate the Image, Case, Leadership, Financial Potential and Methods and Procedures for a successful campaign.

Fundraising potential for a client is "elastic" and will either expand or contract depending upon how the initial design and marketing process is conducted. DSG's pre-campaign phase activities create an awareness and atmosphere which inspire involvement and commitment in subsequent phases of the campaign. DSG's campaign planning process helps the client expand upon its own capability to raise the needed funds.

Friend Raising Before Fund Raising

During this phase DSG conducts a series of activities to prepare for a successful campaign. The involvement of key leaders and prospective donors in this "design and marketing process" are vital to the campaign's success.

The positive perception of these planning activities will help encourage the involvement and commitment of prominent leaders in the campaign. In addition, effective planning and organization activities will result in potential leaders and donors making the capital campaign a priority in their charitable interests.

During this period, DSG would begin discussions and consultations with clergy, staff and internal leaders. This activity will assist in "marketing" and "testing" the case internally prior to conducting interview-discussions and survey activities with prospective leaders and donors.

The Pre-Campaign Objectives

  1. Enlistment of a planning cabinet (Task Force committee)
  2. Preparation of a case information outline
  3. Identification of candidates for personal interviews
  4. Design of survey materials
  5. Preparation of an in-pew or direct mail survey.

Case/Information Statement

The presentation of the case for capital fundraising is defined in the Information Statement. This case/information statement summarizes the history, background, goals and challenges of the client. It demonstrates how the capital campaign would respond to the needs of parishioners families or students to enhance the client's mission and ministry including worship, education, community service, heritage and legacy.

Along with the planning cabinet, DSG would assist in compiling the information statement. DSG would review the information with the cabinet prior to finalization into a graphic brochure for use during the design and marketing phase survey.

Survey Materials

DSG would prepare the necessary materials to conduct the survey. These include:

  • Case/Information Statement Outline
  • Appointment letters for individual interview discussions
  • Questionnaires for personal interviews
  • In-pew or direct mail survey materials
  • Bulletin Inserts and pulpit announcements

These materials are "tailored" to reflect the specific benefits of the client and would be finalized only upon review with the planning cabinet.

External Marketing Phase

During this phase DSG would conduct:

  • Personal interview consultations
  • The In-Pew Survey or Direct Mail Survey
  • Research on major gifts and leadership prospects.

DSG would be assisted by staff in the client's office. A series of personalized letters would be mailed out requesting an individual interview with the DSG consultant. Each letter would be accompanied by a copy of the information statement. The Pastor, Director and staff would assist in arranging appointments for DSG at the client's site.

Personal-Confidential Interviews

With the assistance of the planning cabinet, DSG would conduct 40 interview-discussions with community leaders, parishioners, staff. These individuals would be evaluated based upon their relationship to the client, especially their capacity for leadership and financial potential.

In-Pew or Direct Mail Survey

As soon as the personal interviews are underway, DSG would then begin planning an in-pew or direct mail survey process as a cultivation activity for constituents and to receive input and opinions from prospective leaders and donors. Information Statements and pulpit announcements will be provided to Mass attendees one week prior to the In-Pew survey weekend. For the Direct mail Survey, information statements will be mailed to the constituent's homes for their review.

The Design and Marketing Phase Report Objectives:

  1. The potential for raising capital funds.
  2. The potential for major gifts in the capital campaign.
  3. The availability of leadership for the capital campaign.
  4. Perceptions of goals and objectives from personal interviews and in-pew or direct mail survey activities.
  5. The priorities for the projects and their appeal in the capital campaign.
  6. The plan, budget, timetable, methods and procedures necessary to raise capital funds.

Further Information on Campaign Planning: